What is another word for magnoliid-dicot-genus?

Pronunciation: [maɡnˈə͡ʊlɪˌɪddˈɪkɒtd͡ʒˈɛnəs] (IPA)

The term "magnoliid-dicot-genus" represents a specific category of flowering plants. While there are no direct synonyms for this term, understanding its components can offer alternatives. "Magnoliid" refers to a group of plants that includes magnolias, laurels, and nutmegs. Thus, using "magnoliid plants" or "magnoliids" can serve as substitutes. "Dicot" refers to a major group of angiosperms, commonly known as "dicots." Hence, "dicot plants" or "dicots" can be synonymous in certain contexts. Lastly, "genus" represents a broader classification, so using "plant species" or "plant groups" can somewhat convey similar meaning. Comprehending these components allows us to explore various alternatives to describe magnoliid-dicot-genus plants.